Monday, March 8, 2021

FTU Blue Fantasy Tutorial

 FTU Blue Fantasy Tutorial 

FTU Blue Fantasy Banner Set

Written March 8,2021

This tut is intended for those that have a working knowledge of PSP 

This tutorial was written in PSP X but can be done in any version.

My tutorials are only meant as a guide , if u wish to use a different 

tube or change the colors etc , then please feel free to do so.I love to see what all 

others can create with my stuff.

Supplies needed:

Eye Candy 3 

Font of Choice ,I am using Dream Her

U can get it Here...

Tube of your choice - I am using the beautiful artwork of "Verymany"

You need a license to use his/her work, please do not use his/her work without a proper license.. 

U can purchase it Here

Scrapkit "GoF_Design_Tina_Blue_Fantasy" by Tina

You can get it Here!

Check out the rest of the site Here  !

Drop Shadow (this is the drop shadow used throughout tutorial)

V = 1

H = 1

Opacity = 100

Blur = 1.00

Color = Black

Let's Get Started!!!

We will be making a Banner Set so you will need to make a Banner Tag and a

Profile Tag. We will start on the Profile Tag first..

New Canvas 800 x 800 Transparent

Copy and paste Element 6 , move a little to the top, with magic wand, click inside

go to selections and click modify ,expand by 5, now under the frame layer

and make New Raster Layer, copy & paste paper into selection. Deselect.

Copy and paste Element 4,as a new layer ,place on bottom of frame on right

duplicate and mirror, I used eraser tool and erase some of the middle where the

2 layers went over on each other. then merge layer down. DS and sharpen.

Copy and paste Element 2 as a new layer, resize 35%,place on middle left,

duplicate and mirror, DS and sharpen.

Copy and paste Tube, as a new layer, resize 60%,then resize 80%,place 

down under the rose layer, with eraser tool, erase the stem part. duplicate 

and mirror, DS and sharpen.

Copy and paste Element 17 as a new layer, place, DS and sharpen.

Copy and paste Element 18 as a new layer, place ,duplicate 

and mirror, move layer to bottom Merge layer down.

Copy and paste Element 21 as a new layer, place, DS and sharpen.

Copy and paste Element 23 as a new layer, resize 30%,place,duplicate,

place to liking. merge layer down. DS and sharpen.

Copy and paste Element 25 as a new layer, duplicate ,resize 50%,place 

copy and paste it again and resize this one 30%,place to liking,

DS and sharpen.

Copy and paste Element 12 as a new layer ,place and use eraser to erase off

of tubes face.

Copy and paste Element 48 as a new layer, resize 50%, place, DS and sharpen.

Copy and paste Element 52 as a new layer, place, DS and sharpen.

add any other elements that u wish .

Now highlight very bottom layer, select all and Copy and paste paper 7 into

selection, deselect.

Now go to Banner Canvas

New Canvas 620 x 230 Transparent

Select all and Copy & paste paper 7 into selection and deselect.

Now go to Profile Tag so we can copy & paste onto the Banner Tag.

X out of tube layer and background layer, then copy merged the rest and paste

onto Banner Canvas and place to liking, then copy & paste tube layer, place to

liking, add copyright on Banner layer, now for the frame layer, go to top layer

add new raster layer , selections, Modify ,contract by 10,invert and copy * paste

paper 4 into selection, keep selected and go outer bevel to the following settings,

now add Glow with the following settings.

You can either put whatever you want for word art or use mine.

Just right click and save as a PNG file.

Add copyright and merge visible and save as a PNG.

Now back to Profile Tag 

now for the frame layer, go to top layer

add new raster layer ,selections, Modify ,contract by 20,invert and copy * paste

paper 4 into selection, keep selected and go outer bevel & Glow same settings as above,.

You can either put whatever you want for word art or use mine.

Resize all layers 75% or to 600 x 600. Add copyright and merge visible ,

and save as a PNG. I always resize mine before adding 

copyright to keep it from being blury .

Please remember to add all proper © copyright info on both tags.

Add your name.

Hope u enjoyed my tutorial

I would love to see your results, Please post them here or 

u can email them to Here ! with subject 

line "Tut Results"!!! 




  1. I just found your blog, through a forum, and I'm already a HUGE FAN , I've checked several of your tut, and WOW ! So I have already started making some sets, I will be back with my result very soon, thank you for really giving me my psp mojo back. I love your tuts. xxx

    1. thank you so much for your kind words and I am thrilled to see your beautiful creations from my tuts, this makes me want to write more tuts. I love writing tuts and sharing my creations with others..

  2. Hello Stef, thank you so much for this great tut, I love it , together with alot of your other tuts, here is a set for you :
    Avatar :
    Sigtag :
    Tag :
    Hugs, Betsy E.

  3. is there snags for the blue fantasy with the unicorn and tube with blue hair

  4. I am searching thru now to see if I do have them if not I can make some and I will post them.
